Sunday, December 8, 2013


Months ago I was uploading some artwork to my deviantART profile and came across something that is a part of the site that got my interest.  The site has an online art application called deviantART Muro.  With it, you can sketch and paint your own illustrations and save them for future posting and/or printing or whatever you wish to do.  You can even import existing images in and perform basic editing.  But what I most enjoy is that it comes with a "replay" function!  After you've created an illustration you just click on "Watch Redraw" and then relive the experience!

Take a look at what I've been able to do with it.  The application isn't perfect and it doesn't compare to Photoshop or Manga Studio but if you like to doodle it gets the job done.

Friday, December 6, 2013

"Diwali": Final Bina Update

It's an amazing 25° here in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and there's about an inch thick sheet of ice on a majority of the streets here! A perfect opportunity to finish up my latest portrait.

Here I've added the shading to the arms and added the flame or "light".

Added the glow around the flame and a yellow halo and lower the opacity of the starburst pattern.  At 100% the dark starburst is over-powering and I want to give the appearance of coming out of the darkness.

Here I've added small bright yellow and orange highlights onto the eyes and added a bit more detail to the jewelry on the finger and wrist.  Also added a bit of yellow and orange highlights to the hair.

Add my signature and we have the final piece.

I really do like Manga Studio 5 and looking forward to creating some more challenging artwork.  One thing I really like is that you're not limited to doing everything in just Manga Studio.  You can still export your illustrations to Photoshop as layered files to edit and then reimport them back into Manga Studio and vice-versa!

That's it for now!  If you're interested in purchasing a print you can do so here:

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bina Update #2

It's been quite a while since I've shown progress on the illustration of Bina and I'll be honest with you here... I've been struck by a big batch of LAZY. lol I actually shouldn't laugh at that. The past few months have been a bit strenuous at the day job and I've had very little "oomph" to come home and sit in front of a computer after spending 8 or more hours in front of one someplace else.

 BUT here I am back on it again!

 When I last updated, I had started inking the pencil sketch. I've completed the inking and started painting and "tweaking". You'll notice with the next series of screen grabs that the illustration begins to NOT look like the original sketch.

 Here's just the base color. Nothing fancy.

Now this is where the tweaking begins (and where I started getting weary from sitting in front of a computer... lol).  Here I've got a before and after.  The image on the left shows where I was getting a bit too detail oriented and I was painting Bina's face as if I were painting a 60 year-old and not the young 30-something she really is.  I was over-working the piece.  Luckily, I'm using layers to create the skin tones and details.

The right side is after I cleared the layer and started over.  She looks more her age here but I'm still not satisfied.  This is the point where exhaustion met frustration and I set this aside for what I thought would be a few days... HA!

Jump to yesterday, December 2, 2013 (yeah, a whole 8 months later) and I get back on this.  Having not been satisfied with what I had done so far, I started tweaking the illustration more to get more of a resemblance of the photo that I've drawn inspiration from.  Mainly, getting the face to look more like a young Bina instead of "future, 30 years from now Bina."  You'll notice the face is more rounded and not as long.  Also, I started the detail of the dress.

And here is where I am now with this piece.  Adding details to the arms and hands and a little starburst splash in the background.

So, I'm nearing the end of this little project.  My first using the new Manga Studio 5 and I really do like it!  I'll be finishing up this illustration soon as Bina's birthday is coming up really soon and I'd like to give her a print by then.  Be sure to check back in!

Take care!