Monday, April 5, 2021

Creating Liveries For Gran Turismo Sport

After an 8-year hiatus, I've been back at playing video games for a little over 3 years. My curiosity of three specific games influenced my decision to purchase a PlayStation 4. Those games were Spider-man and Ace Combat 7, which I purchased with the PS4. The third game, Gran Turismo Sport, I would buy a few months later.

Of the three games, Ace Combat 7, and Gran Turismo Sport are franchise games that I've played since their first versions for the original PlayStation game console (Air Combat, 1995, and Gran Turismo, 1997). Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the makers of Gran Turismo Sport added a function to allow players to design their own liveries for game play into it!

liv-er-y noun – chiefly British : an identifying design (as on a vehicle) that designates ownership

There have been many games that allow such a thing but have been mostly limited to PC games. For instance Ace Combat 7 allows such creativity but only for the PC version, not on the PS4 consoles. Immediately, me taking time to actually play the game became unimportant. If you've wondered about the race featured in the masthead of my blog, it was created within the Gran Turismo Sport game, and I've spent more hours creating liveries than actually racing!

Depending on how much detail one wants to put into a livery, creating one for the game can be a time consuming process. The game itself provides a number of basic pre-made graphics, such as letters and shapes, as well as actual corporate logos of companies known for their involvement with motorsports. The best part is that the game allows you to create, upload, use your own graphics into the game! It also allows you to share your creations with other players to use for their own designs. But this is just the beginning... Now that you've got the look of your car, you might as well design the look of your helmet and racing suit to match!

After you've made your livery, it's time to go race! Here is on of my Taskforce: Geek liveries in game play action!


Need a photo of that awesome pass you made to take the lead of the race? There's also an option to take photos of the action from various angles! You can adjust exposures, shutter speeds as well as add visual effects.

The game also provides what they call "Scapes," which is a collection of landscape photos for players to take "vanity shots" of their creations.

If you'd like to know more about how to create liveries within Gran Turismo Sport I recommend watching this tutorial by Doughtinator on YouTube.

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